Download Power2Voice

Please make sure that your system does fulfill the minimum system requirements before the download and installation.

Due to the high accuracy of the analysis and the high sensitivity degree of the voice analysis, we recommend using a high-quality USB microphone/USB Headset, only.

To achieve a realistic situation, please concentrate before starting each recording. Realise the situation in which you will speak. Focus on the audience, the context and the topic as well as on the essence of what you are about to express.

Please speak and behave as normal as possible during each recording.

Power2Voice Download

System requirements

 Minimum system requirements
 Computer and processor
512 megahertz (MHz) or higher for Windows 2000
1 Gigabyte (GB) for Windows XP or later version of Windows

512 megabytes( MB) ram for Windows 2000.1 Gigabyte ( GB) ram for Windows XP or later version of Windows.
  Hard drive
640 megabyte (MB)

High-quality USB headset or high-quality speakers with sound card
  Operating system
Windows XP (SP2) , Windows Vista Business (SP1), Windows 2000 (SP4)
  Microsoft .NET Framework
.NET 2.0 ; .NET 3.0
HHigh-quality USB microphone.
Recommended setting: 40%-60% volume
  Further recommendations

Minimum screen resolution: 1280 * 800 Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007: Please note, that POWER2VOICE does not support the .docx or .pptx file formats at this moment.